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How to add static block to page in magento

Before implementing the static block we have to create a page where we will add our block. So first of all create a page through Magento’s back-end section. We have already created a page with the nameHome PageNow we have to move on the Stick Block section.

Create Static Block

First of all let we create a block for our home page. Navigate CMS in menus list and you can find the Stick Blocks sub-menu under CMS, then click on Static Block.

How to installing PEAR on WAMP

In PHP, PEAR stands for PHP Extension and Application Repository. Recently i has been installed PEAR on WAMP(Windows Apache MySql PHP) machine in window 7. I am using two versions of PHP in my local wamp machine that is PHP5.2.9 and PHP5.3.10. I installed pear with PHP5.2.9, and also you can depends on you PHP version.

What have to do to install PEAR?

First of all you have to download http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar file, and put this file into your PHP directory. I installed my wamp on “D:\” drive, and by default it is installing on “C:\” drive so please make sure about the location of your WAMP machine, and the go-pear.phar file should go like “D:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.9\go-pear.phar”.

How to display Twitter followers on Website

If we talking about Social Network then Google+, Facebook and Twitter are the biggest giant in this field. Let’s talking about Twitter. One of the best way to convey your message to your friends and followers. Twitter also help to increase your traffic on your website or blog. If you notice in most of the websites; people likes to display twitter followers on websites. That also impact to the visitor.

Change Continue Reading into Read More in WordPress

In my last post we had discussed about to make WordPress Plugin from scratch. And now we are discussing about to change continue reading into Read More. Oh! you don’t worry about it, if you are not familiar with programming stuff. But yes continue reading button into your post is involving into the programming stuff.

Actually the_content() function of WordPress, is used to display the content of your post. And you can also add two more parameter into this function, you can read more about this function in depth from the WordPress official website;