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Keyboard key codes detect with JQuery

JavaScript is one of the best Server Scripting Language for client side programming and JQuery is one of its library. JQuery is widely used by designers because it’s providing a lot of functionality just with few easy steps well I am not talking here about the designing part; we are talking about the keyboard key detection.

JavaScript Methods to Detect Keyboard keys:

There are three methods to detect the key codes of keyboard.

  1. keyup
  2. keydown
  3. keypress

If we are talking about the cross-browser compatible then keyup and keydown are the best solution for this.

Ajax based contact form

If you want to make an application which respond quickly without refreshing the page then, JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) and AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) combination is great to achieve that. In this post we are making a simple Ajax based contact form which respond the result in JSON format that we want, and with the help of jquery we display the JSON data.

Through AJAX we are sending the contact form data to a php file(submit_contact_form.php) and then getting the response as an JSON format, but as you see that in my php file, i didn’t used the ‘json_encode()’ function, the reason behind this is ‘json_encode()’ require PHP5 or above. But in this example i created the same format with the help of ‘echo’ that will work for me in PHP4.4.9 too.

So, Here is the HTML structure for the contact form, just put this structure inside the body tag.

Ajax based instant image upload

Image upload is simple to just select an image and click on the upload button that’s it. But it will be more effective when the selected image upload instanly means with out click on any upload button and you will see also the preview of that uploaded image.

All this will be more easy with ajax (asynchronous javaScript and xml) request. In this example we will use the ajax form plugin. I really thanks for this plugin because with the help of this plugin it will be more easy to make an ajax based instant image upload script.

Instant Image Upload

Dynamic select box with php and jquery

Most of the websites and web-applications are developing in server scripting languages. And the GUI part are designed in jquery, css and html. For GUI designing purpose jquery is easy and light so that the website will open quickly.

We use jquery because it is the cross browser compatible, so that the GUI remain same in the modern browsers. Jquery also using to send back-end or to gathering the data from cross domain. In this example we use jquery for dynamic dependent select boxes so that the page will not refresh every time when the related data are loading.

Create sticky footer with jquery and css

When we design a website that time we are not sure about the page height means how much long or short our page. In most of the cases we are trying to fill the page with more and more content so that the footer of the page appear always on the bottom of the page. But in some case we don’t have enough content to represent to the visitors and in that case the footer looks weird that attached with the content.

sticky footer

Email Validation with php and jquery

Generally, we use an email address to know about unique visitors because email id is the unique address of a user. It is a must job to validate the user through its email address to make the users unique. Email validation is possible in any scripting language and in this post, we are going to talk about email validation with PHP and we will use the jQuery for the async task.