Export Data in CSV Using PHP
In this article, we are going to download/export the data in a CSV file from the database using PHP. We are going to use the fopen(), fputcsv() to create the CSV file.
…In this article, we are going to download/export the data in a CSV file from the database using PHP. We are going to use the fopen(), fputcsv() to create the CSV file.
…In this article, we are going to use Docker Compose to run our Laravel application using Nginx, PHP, and MySQL. In the end, we will get three separate service containers.
…Containerize Nginx, Laravel and MySQL with Docker ComposeRead More »
Gutenberg team doing a great job of making the editor more flexible for user’s and developer’s points of view. We can extend it by creating custom blocks or extend the existing blocks. This article is focusing on adding a custom color palette to Gutenberg’s paragraph block.
…How to Custom Color Palette to Gutenberg Block in WordPressRead More »
In this article, we are going to create a Toggle/Switch button in React using hooks. We are using the CRA( create-react-app ) to set up our react project without any efforts. You can find the complete source code for this toggle button at the bottom of this article. Let’s get starting without further delay.
…Tailwindcss is a utility-first CSS framework loaded with classes that help you design almost any design without leaving the HTML. In this article, we are going to learn how to integrate the tailwindcss with React.
…In this article, we are going to create a basic authentication with Firebase. Don’t worry if you are new to firebase, we are also going to cover how to create a project with Firebase and grab your web API keys. We are going to create Login, Sign Up, and a Dashboard route to figure out about the firebase authentication.