How to Disable Gutenberg Editor and Enable Classic Editor

The Gutenberg Editor bundled with WordPress 5.0 as default editor. But still, there are peoples who don’t like the Gutenberg Editor as compare to the Classic Editor. In this article, we will learn how to disable the Gutenberg Editor and make the default Classic Editor. You don’t need the technical knowledge to follow this process.

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Install Classic Editor

The first step is to install the Classic Editor. Go to Plugins > Add New section. Click to the Featured tab. The Classic Editor is one of the most popular plugins, so it’s easy to find it out. Or you could use the search bar.

The next step is to click on the Install Now button and activate it once you get the Classic Editor like the above screenshot.

The Gutenberg will disable automatically once you activate the Classic Editor.

Activate the Gutenberg

If you wish to switch back to the Gutenberg Editor without de-activating the Classic Editor then you need to go the Settings > Writing Settings.

Enable Gutenberg Settings

You could find the Default editor for all users options that you could change any time to switch back to the desired editor.

Switch Editors From Post / Page

What if you have multiple editors and few comfortable with the Gutenberg Editor and the others want the Classic Editor? In this case, you need to go to the Settings > Writing.

Navigate the Allow users to switch editors option and click on the Yes option. This option provides you the switchable editor option.

Switch the Classic Editor to the Gutenberg Editor

Take a look at the Classic Editor screen. You can find the Editor settings section on the right side of the editor with Switch to Block Editor link.

Switch the Gutenberg Editor to the Classic Editor

If you are working with the Gutenberg Editor and want to switch to the Classic Editor then follow these instructions.

Click on the more tools & options button at the top right corner with dots. You can find the Switch to Classic Editor under the plugins section.

Disable the Gutenberg Editor with Codes

This step is not mandatory. It is just for the knowledge that you can disable the Gutenberg Editor with action filters. If you have basic technical knowledge then you could do this very easily. Otherwise, just follow the step by step guide.

You need to open the functions.php file from your selected theme folder. Copy the below codes and paste it at the very bottom of the functions.php file and that’s it.

add_filter('gutenberg_can_edit_post', '__return_false', 5);
add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post', '__return_false', 5);

Above codes took from the WP Huntrz forum.